Sarmad DigitalSarmad Digital


History, Skills, and Experience.

Hey, I'm Sarmad Gardezi

5+ years of building Web AppsCore Team Lead - GDG CLOUD ISB

Sarmad Gardezi is a talented Pakistani full-stack developer from Islamabad who specializes in building efficient software. He is skilled in front-end technologies such as React.js and Node.js, as well as back-end development with PostgreSQL and Express.js. With a degree in software engineering, his main goal is to create applications that are scalable and perform well in search engine rankings.

Sarmad Gardezi uses his skills as an SEO specialist to help businesses, real estate agencies, educational institutions, and IT departments rank highly in search engine results. He optimizes websites to increase their online visibility by utilizing his expertise in SEO strategies. Sarmad uses content marketing, on-page SEO, and smart keyword research to raise search engine rankings and increase organic traffic. Businesses may boost their online visibility, draw in more clients, and beat off the competition in today's digital environment with his help.

Sarmad Gardezi GDG
@Sarmad Gardezi

@Sarmad Gardezi

3210 subscribers

Me speaking on stage at React Summit about the future of Next.js
Me standing on stage at Reactathon delivering the keynote
Me and Guillermo Rauch on stage for Vercel Ship, answering questions from the Next.js community
Me, Lydia, and Delba filming the Next.js Conf keynote
My badge on top of a pile of badges from a Vercel meetup we held
Me standing on stage at SmashingConf giving a talk about my optimism for the web


Sarmad recently awarded Core Team Developer in Google Cloud Developer Expert title for GSuite and Google Apps Script.

How i Work

I work with companies and agencies around the world, building Web user interfaces, design systems, and digital products with focus on responsive design, accessibility, performance, and cutting-edge tech. I’ve worked with teams at companies like ProPakistani, ViralWebbs, Khan Academy, Bosch, and more.
I consider himself a technologist at heart who wants to create stuff. In my own words, “Technology is my life, Im always thinking about it, even when Im taking a shower. It helps us in becoming more productive and knowledgeable.” I always enjoyed building a ( Google Scripts ).
For me its an added advantage to have a blog and a massive reach. He has worked on several projects in the last two years when his focus has shifted from writing to building as well

Certified Freelance Developer of Pakistan

I found blogging to be a great medium for sharing my favorite things with the world. Initially, I started writing random stuff, but later on, I discovered how to make money blogging. I discovered “The Way” to become my boss through the power of the internet. This was when I started sharing those things that worked for me. Blogging has given me so much more than money. It’s given me a sense of freedom that I didn’t know was possible.

I currently live a “free” lifestyle where I travel around Pakistan and blog from anywhere. I used to be an introvert, but now I speak in front of hundreds of people at events & seminars. Last year on 10 December 2019 I became a Core team member of Google Cloud Islamabad it was a great thing for me as a blogger I learn so many things to be a part of GDG Cloud. I get to know more about Google & its services in Pakistan & WorldWide, as a core team member I get a chance to access so many Google services for free. At this time my passion was turning into Professional Goals Achievements.

Later on, I attended different Google Events in Islamabad including Hackathon it was a great experience for me to learn new things in Life. Check out them on my Instagram Profile. When I’m not on my computer, I love traveling & adventure sports. Don’t just take my word for it as this is a digital world and I can show you a video.

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